Nominations being accepted for the NHHA / FHC Annual Awards of Excellence

The call for nominations for the NHHA & FHC Annual Awards of Excellence is now open!  Please consider nominating leaders and / or efforts within your organization for the awards listed below:   New Hampshire Hospital Association Awards James A. Hamilton Founder’s Award President’s Award Medical Staff of the Year Award Outstanding Trustee of the… Continue reading Nominations being accepted for the NHHA / FHC Annual Awards of Excellence

Registration Open for the NHHA & FHC Annual Meeting, October 16-18, 2022

Registration Information: You’ll find the link below to register your teams at the Early Bird Registration Discount Rate before the deadline of Friday, August 19th – for those who are new to this process, you can register multiple attendees at a time through the event registration system.   Register Here:  2022 Annual Meeting Registration   Agenda We are… Continue reading Registration Open for the NHHA & FHC Annual Meeting, October 16-18, 2022

NHHA Statement on SB459 Becoming State Law

Steve Ahnen, president of the New Hampshire Hospital Association, released the below statement relative to the Governor signing SB 459 into law:   We applaud Governor Sununu for signing into law SB 459, legislation spearheaded by Senator Jim Gray which addresses the increasing incidents of workplace violence and supports the need to protect our health… Continue reading NHHA Statement on SB459 Becoming State Law

American Hospital Association Recognizes Androscoggin Valley Hospital’s Michael Peterson with the 2021 Grassroots Champion Award

WASHINGTON (July 7, 2022) – The American Hospital Association (AHA) announced that it has honored Michael Peterson, President of Androscoggin Valley Hospital, a member of North Country Health Care, with the 2021 Grassroots Champion Award in recognition of his leadership and dedication to the hospital mission.   Each year, the AHA recognizes the achievements of grassroots… Continue reading American Hospital Association Recognizes Androscoggin Valley Hospital’s Michael Peterson with the 2021 Grassroots Champion Award

NHHA Statement on Governor Sununu’s Veto of HB1022

Steve Ahnen, president of the New Hampshire Hospital Association, released the below statement after the Governor vetoed HB1022:   We are pleased that Governor Sununu vetoed HB1022 which would have allowed pharmacists to dispense Ivermectin pursuant to a standing order and establish a commission to study the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19. The Centers… Continue reading NHHA Statement on Governor Sununu’s Veto of HB1022

NHHA Comments on CMS’ IPPS Proposed Rule for FY 2023

The New Hampshire Hospital Association recently submitted comments on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System (PPS) proposed rule for fiscal year (FY) 2023. To view the comments, please download the comment letter here.