As of May 1, 2024, COVID-19 Metrics are no longer collected. You can now see an abbreviated Hospital Occupancy Report updated weekly under “Resources and Reports”.

New Hampshire hospitals play a vital role in the health care infrastructure that ensures the health and safety of all New Hampshire residents, which is essential to a strong economy. 


Adequate funding is crucial for New Hampshire hospitals so they can invest in workforce, equipment, operations, and infrastructure to deliver high quality care. In 2020, New Hampshire hospitals provided over $700 million in uncompensated care to patients, including those covered by government payors such as Medicaid and Medicare. The New Hampshire Hospital Association engages with government programs and commercial insurers to advance fair and reasonable reimbursement policies and procedures for the care delivered by our hospitals.

The financial viability of hospitals is threatened by declining and inadequate reimbursements for care, the cost of rising drug prices, workforce shortages, administrative overhead imposed by government programs and insurers and the rising cost of labor.  NHHA represents New Hampshire hospitals at the state and federal level advocating for fiscal policies that ensure New Hampshire hospitals can continue to provide the very best care, while advancing important reforms to bring down costs for patients and strengthen New Hampshire’s economy.